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MDR-C the disinfection robot
About Robot


is a self-disinfecting robot, which is operated remotely, scanning the targeted area, and using short-wavelength ultraviolet light (UV-C) to disinfect rooms, surfaces, air, and surrounding environments, by destroying their (RNA & DNA). Leaving them unable to perform their vital cellular functions and causing the cells to die directly. If someone enters the room while the robot is active, the lamps will automatically disconnect to ensure the safety of any nearby people.

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Main Features of MDR-C:

The robot is designed to operate among objects and maneuver safely, avoiding obstacles, making it suitable for many indoor facilities.

 Safe Maneuver in tight places

MDR-C maps the required location and defines the needed disinfection spots to cover the whole space, then saves the map for fur­ther disinfection tasks.

 Mapping & Generating disinfection spots

The robot autonomously navigates to find the most efficient path to its destinations. With real-time positioning, the robot adjusts the path when it encounters obstacles, not on the map.

 Navigation & Localization with High Accuracy

The built-in sensors ensure that the robot is slowed down when obstacles are detected in front of it.

 Automatic Deceleration for Objects

The robot interact by sound and lights to give indications according to its status and the current situation.


MDR-C is designed to be operated by everyday cleaning staff. The operator dashboard can be accessed from a PC, tablet, or smartphone. It gives easy access to the operation and monitoring of the robot

 User friendly and flexible

MDR-C can integrate with your hospital system, allowing the robot to open doors and control elevators autonomously.

 Integration with your system

You can make daily tasks for the robot and schedule disinfection tasks' times to do it autonomously. Operators can easily set up disinfection missions, schedules, and deployment through the user interface. Activate the robot, and the person can continue their planned work during ongoing disinfection. After disinfection, the robot will return to its home position, waiting for another job.

 Scheduling tasks

360° Degree disinfection coverage to reach each point around the robot and the unreached points in the room.

 Efficient Disinfection Coverage

MDR-C proves that it can sufficiently disinfect and fulfilling 99.9% elimination of bacteria, germs, and viruses

 Sufficiently Kills 99.99% of Viruses & Bacteria

MDR-C effectively disinfects facilities around-the-clock; the robot provides disinfection for a whole room around 15 minutes only.

 Time saver

Robot Solutions




  • Sterilization and disinfection



  • Sterilization and disinfection

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