Is the leading company in AI, Robotics, & Industrial Automation solutions in the Middle East, which is based in Egypt with UAE regional office and KSA local partner, Serving the MENA region with Mobile Autonomous Robots & Smart Enhanced Solutions on two main tracks (Industrial Automation & Services Solutions).
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دعم مستشفى شرم الشيخ الدولي بـ 4 روبوتات
أعلنت الهيئة العامة للرعاية الصحية برئاسة الدكتور أحمد السبكي، رئيس الهيئة، دعم مستشفى شرم الشيخ الدولي التابع لهيئة الرعاية الصحية بـ4 روبوتات ذكية معتمدة على تكنولوجيا الذكاء الاصطناعي. يأتي ذلك ضمن استعدادات الهيئة للتأمين الطبي للوفود الرئاسية والمشاركة في مؤتمر المناخ مصر 2022

للكشف على المرضى... شاهد| روبوت جديد ينضم للمستشفيات قريبا
كشف محمد عبد الرحمن المدير الاقليمي للشركه المصنعة للروبوت ان الروبوت يتم استخدامه في مستشفى شرم الشيخ كما سيتم تعميم استخدامه في مستشفيات هيئة الرعاية الصحية بالتتابع بعد مستشفيات شرم الشيخ
صدى البلد

مارسيس تفتتح مركزاً للروبوتات في الشارقة
افتتحت شركة «مارسيس روبوتيكس» منشأة للبحث والتطوير وخدمات الأعمال للروبوتات وأنظمة الأتمتة الهندسية والروبوتية للمصانع في مجمع الشارقة للبحوث والتكنولوجياوالابتكار وتشهد منطقة الشرق الأوسط نمواً في سوق الروبوتات التي يتوقع أن يصل حجمه إلى 385 مليون دولار بحلول العام 2025 بحسب التحليلات الحالية للسوق وتطور الشركة مجموعة من الحلول الروبوتية في قطاع الصحة والضيافة و الخدمات الحكومية، بالإضافة إلى روبوتات الأنشطة التفاعلية والمطورة

MARSES Robotics, has established new R&D and business facilities in the UAE in conjunction with its participation in GITEX.
MARSES Robotics Company, a regional manufacturer of mobile robots as well as a provider of engineering services and automated manufacturing systems for factories, has established new R&D and business facilities in the UAE in conjunction with its participation in GITEX Global Week as a partner to activate robotics technology for the fourth year in a row. The new facilities will serve as the company’s regional base of operations, allowing it to better serve its customers. The company is looking forward to expanding its opportunities and business in the MENA region while also strengthening its global market presence.

مارسيس تفتتح مركزاً للروبوتات في الشارقة
افتتحت شركة مارسيس روبوتيكس منشأة للبحث والتطوير وخدمات الأعمال للروبوتات وأنظمة الأتمتة الهندسية والروبوتية للمصانع في مجمع الشارقة للبحوث والتكنولوجيا والابتكار، وتطور الشركة مجموعة من الحلول الروبوتية في قطاع الصحة والضيافة والخدمات الحكومية، بالإضافة إلى روبوتات الأنشطة التفاعلية والمطورة
الشارقة للأخبار

"إطلاق تطبيق إماراتي للروبوتات خلال "الإمارات تبرمج
شهدت فعاليات يوم «الإمارات تبرمج» في مقر المبرمجين في «أبراج الإمارات»، طرح تطبيق خاص تم تطويره في دولة الإمارات للروبوتات، وطورته شركة «مارسيس روبوتيكس» المصنع الإقليمي لروبوتات الذكاء الاصطناعي وأنظمة الأتمتة الهندسية ومقرها «مجمع الشارقة للبحوث والتكنولوجيا والابتكار».

Mozo The First waiter Robot in Egypt!
Watch “Mozo” the first waiter robot in Egypt Restaurants, which designed and manufactured by MARSES for Robotic Systems. Mozo works with the restaurant’s staff side by side to decrease the human interference while serving the guests’ orders to over come COVID-19.
Sky News

ROBOT WAITER: "Mozo" has a special job during the coronavirus pandemic
ROBOT WAITER: “Mozo” has a special job during the Coronavirus pandemic. The robot waits on tables at this restaurant in Cairo, Egypt to help limit human contact. Mozo” has a special job during the Coronavirus pandemic. The robot waits on tables at this restaurant in Cairo, Egypt to help limit human contact.

Adorable Robot Waiter Limits Human Interactions in Cairo Restaurant
As Egypt loosens coronavirus restrictions, one restaurant decided to let a robot wait its tables in a bid to attract customers who wish to limit human interaction. The creators MARSES Robotic Solutions say the helpful bot will lower human interactions, make people feel at ease at restaurants as COVID-19 restrictions loosen.

Robot waiter Mozo is on shift at an Egyptian restaurant
How much will Egyptian customers be tipping these robot waiters? Mozo the robot is waiting tables at Kimbo, an Egyptian restaurant, taking orders and delivering food to customers who are wary of interacting with human waiters during the covid-19 pandemic

First Egyptian-Designed Robot Waiter Gets A Job At A Local Cafe
As millions of businesses suffer their customers’ absence due to the fear of COVID-19, they are looking to replace as many of their employees as possible with automated counterparts for remote working. MARSES Robotic Solutions say that the need for Mozo has been felt across the food and beverage industry, which is crippled by customer fear of interacting with strangers touching their food and plates, as well as employees who are worried about interacting with customers.

روبوت للرئيس السيسي: أتمنى لكم وقتا آمنا في منتدى شباب العالم
تحدث روبوت بمقر منتدى شباب العالم عن اتخاذ كافة الإجراءات الاحترازية بدقة شديدة للوقاية من فيروس كورونا، متمنياً قضاء وقتاً سعيداً وأمناً للرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي وضيوف مصر وكافة الزوار بالقاعة الافتتاحية فى اليوم الأول من نسخة الرابعة

لأول مرة.. روبوت يُرحب بالرئيس السيسي وضيوف مصر بمنتدى شباب العالم
في مستهل جلسة الافتتاح، رحب الروبوت “دويت” بالرئيس السسيسي و الحضور في المنتدى، مؤكدا على قيام الروبوت بأغلب الخدمات اللوجستيةفي النتدى ضمن الإجراءات الاحترازية لمواجهة فيروس كورونا

A robot for any application from MARSES Robotics
An interview with the Regional Manager of Marses Robotic Solutions, Mr Mohamed Abdel-Rahman, who talks about the industrial robot integration they provide plus the range of robots that Marses developed and manufactured from A to Z for many other applications such as hospitality
Our Solutions
The basic definition for hospitality, is friendly, and generous reception, and entertainment of guest, visitor, or strangers. From that definition, our friendly, entertaining, expressive, and interactive robots family were born for you.
check solutionHealthcare
We have been taught the lesson in a hard way. The last pandemic showed no mercy, leading us to create and sustain a new lifestyle in every aspect of our lives, especially in healthcare. So, if you think about supplies/medicine delivery, disinfection and sanitizing, E-nursing, and many more safe interactions, we want to assure you that it’s all here… It’s only one call away for you!
check solutionEducational
Welcome to MARSES Robotics Lab, where we take pride in our unparalleled educational methodology designed to nurture and develop the skills of aspiring robotics enthusiasts. Our unique approach has proven to be highly successful, as we prioritize understanding your requirements and tailor our training to suit your specific needs. Personalized Training for Optimal Results: At MARSES Robotics Lab, we recognize that every individual’s journey in robotics is different. Our experts take the time to understand your goals and aspirations, enabling us to select the most suitable model for your lab. This personalized approach ensures that you receive the best training experience possible, maximizing your potential for success. A Comprehensive Array of Resources: Setting up a robotics lab can be daunting, but worry not! We are dedicated to providing you with all the resources necessary for your robotics endeavors. From cutting-edge robot arms to updated applications, hardware kits, and comprehensive course content, we have everything you need to kickstart your robotics lab with confidence. Staying Ahead with the Latest Advancements: Robotics is a rapidly evolving field, and we believe in staying at the forefront of technology. Our commitment to excellence means that we regularly upgrade our robotics lab with the latest techniques, tools, and robots. By incorporating these advancements into our practical curriculums and training programs, we ensure that our students are equipped with the most up-to-date knowledge and skills. Unleashing the Potential of Robotics, AI & IoT: MARSES Robotics Lab is not just about teaching robotics; it’s about preparing a new generation for the market. Our students engage with cutting-edge technology in robotics, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Through hands-on experience and interactive learning, we empower our students to become industry-ready and contribute to shaping the future of these transformative fields.
check solutionEvent industry
Isn’t it all about a good show and memorable branding in your visitors minds? And what it really takes to do so? Clown? Dancing show? Activation team? Printings? Too many printings? Light show? Presentable and good-looking sales/registration team? Promotions? NO! It’s time to do things differently, to do it in a unique, smart, creative way…Please welcome your new team! Which is capable of doing so much for you.
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Lead Robotic & AI focused company in the region
Egypt Office: 18 Ashmon St., Heliopolis, 11341 Cairo, Egypt
- Mobile : +2 (0120) 873-4000
- Email Address : info@marses.systems
UAE Office: C01-12, SRTI Park, P.O. Box 66636, UAE.
- Mobile : +971 (54) 5343-338
- Email Address : info@marses.systems