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Robots in COP27 Together for implementation
07 Nov


We have always believed that it’s our responsibility towards the community and the next generation to provide revolutionary robotics solutions with a concept to help the human race and the environment by making life easier and more sustainable.

That’s why from the very beginning we were keen on our robots to be made from recyclable materials and for the purpose to serve humans in different sectors.

Recently, We were pleased with the role that our robotic solutions contribute to the digital and technical transformation and support of the medical sector in Egypt.
We were honored to meet the Prime Minister, Minister of Health and Population, and Governor of South Sinai, as part of the Health Care Authority’s preparations for the most significant event COP27, by transforming Sharm El-Sheikh International Hospital into the first green environmentally hospital in Egypt and Africa.
From that vision, our robots will be in COP27, to serve, entertain, sanitize, and provide information. Our interactive robot Duet will have a little quiz for you in COP27 to measure how environmentally you are! Give you tips on how to be more and more environmentally green.

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